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Existing Canvas Users

If you have an existing account and have logged in previously, please click here to login and access your learner’s classes.

New Canvas Users

If you are a new family, or do not have an existing Canvas account, please click below for important instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I be utilizing Canvas to best support my learner?


If you are the parent of an Elementary learner, Canvas will be your hub for all things classroom. Each week, your child’s teacher will be posting a “Classroom Connection”, which is a weekly newsletter indicating what your child will be learning that week, as well as what homework is due each day! The Classroom Connections can be found in your child’s HOMEROOM course on your Canvas Dashboard! Please be sure to review this every week to make sure your learner is staying on track.

If you are a parent of Middle School or High School learner, Canvas will be an important point of accountability for your learner. Agendas will be posted in each of their courses which will indicate upcoming due dates, assessments, and projects. You will also have the ability to track your learners progress, and view their grades which will be updated each Monday.


I am getting too many emails from Canvas. How can I fix this?


Canvas notification settings are completely customizable. After logging in to your Canvas account, please click on the “Account” button in the left hand Navigation Menu. You will then proceed by clicking “Notifications”, which will take you to the Notification Preferences page. This will allow you to mark what items you would like to be notified of, as well as how often you would like to receive those notifications.

For more assistance, please feel free to watch the step by step video in the Additional Resources section below.


What do I do if I forgot my password?


When you visit the Canvas Login Page on, you will see a “Forgot Password?” button underneath the password field. Canvas will then prompt you to enter your username. Please remember that all CCS users have a username of “FirstnameLastname” (case sensitive). For example, a person named John Smith would have the username of “JohnSmith”. Canvas will then send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.


How do I check my learner’s grades?


After logging into your Canvas account, you will see a “View Grades” button on the right hand side of your screen. This will then show you a list of your child’s courses with their “grade to date” listed beside it.

To see more details, click on each individual course and visit the “Grades” tab in the left hand menu. This will show you the grades your learner has received for each individual assignment, assessment, or project so that you can pinpoint the areas in which they may need more support.


Should parents be logging into their child’s canvas account?


Parents do not need to log in to their student’s Canvas accounts, as parents and learners have separate accounts. Parents should log in to their own account, which is already linked to each of their child’s classes. There, they will be able to view each of their child’s class grades, assignments, announcements and deadlines, and send messages to their child’s teacher.


Who can I contact if I need additional assistance with Canvas?


A team of CCS Staff is available to help you with any Canvas questions you may have. Please email with the details of what you are experiencing. Our team will get back to you with a solution as soon as possible!

Need More Help?

A team of CCS Staff is available to help you with any Canvas questions you may have. Please email us with the details of what you are experiencing. Our team will get back to you with a solution as soon as possible!